Sun, 22 Jun
|The Twickenham Stoop, TW2 7SX, UK
Try-Athlon 2025
Back, bigger & better than ever before - The Try-Athlon 2025 is THE event for everyone with Parkinson's, family & friends to 'Find Your Way To Play'. Please register your interest & be one of the first to know about this event.
Join The Fun
"It has been clinically proven that just 2 ½ hours of vigorous exercise per week slows down the progression of PD and can decrease symptoms".
Miriam R Rafferty, of Northwestern University and Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, Journal of Parkinson’s Disease
Our events foster community spirit, provide support, and offer forums for expert advice. We stage events throughout the year to encourage people of all abilities, experiences, and PD progression to participate, and to find the courage to continue or re-start sports that may have been given up because of a Parkinson’s diagnosis.
All events provide a safe, inclusive, and fun environment.